, pub-7850625780609265, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 How to stop extra data Net spend on Laptop or Computer / Window 10 how to solve this problem.



How to stop extra data Net spend on Laptop or Computer / Window 10 how to solve this problem.

How to stop extra data Net spend on Laptop or Computer / Window 10 how to solve this problem. After reading it, the extra data that used to be net in your laptop or computer would not be spent anymore.

stop extra data Net spend on Laptop or Computer  Window 10 how to solve

Hello friends, in this article in your Technical SHT, you will know that the computer or laptop running on window 10 costs a lot of data (net) and many people are worried that they do not even know. Why this data is being spent and where it is being spent. They connect their phone to laptop or their computer and in a short time all their data is spent and the work they are doing is not even working. If you can, then you will know why that data is spent and where it is spent and how it can be stopped so that your data - only costs as much as you run it. To know all these things, you will read this article completely.

I will tell you some steps, you will follow them and this problem will be your solution.

1. First of all, Windows 10 keeps updating, it has to be closed in the background because I have already made an article about the most data window that takes updates and I have already told you about it on YouTube. I am giving the link of the link and the website, you will click on it and close the update of the first window 10, you will click on it and follow the steps mentioned in it and disable the update that window 10.

2. After disabling the window, now the second step is that you connect WiFi to your laptop or computer, after that go to the network settings of WiFi, there will be an option called advanced setting and then click on it. Whose name is Set Metered Connection. Turn it on, you guys.

These were some easy tips, so the extra data that was used in your laptop or computer will not be the same, now it will only cost as much as you would use in your laptop or computer.

If you want to know this process through video, then I am giving a link to YouTube in it, by clicking on it, you will watch that video and as I am telling you, you will follow those steps. And after following them, your problem will be solved.

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